Granny & Papa - A Living Portrait
Stories of the Sťáťimcets Speaking People
This is a story of the Transition time. A time when two cultures clashed together, changing both in ways yet to be understood. A time when ‘gold fever’ brought hordes of men, with only one goal: to get as much of the metal as they could by any means they could. The gold miners and those who profited from these events came and went within a few short years, but the after effects and repercussions are with us today. This is a story of the resilience of the Human Spirit of the Ucwalmicw of the Southern Státimcets Nation to survive and grow strong once again, while adapting to circumstances beyond our control. These stories relate to our ‘Rites Of Passage’ as we practiced them before and after contact with foreign nations.
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Fiction, Fact and Follies
How is it possible for a stay-at-home mother of ten children to excel with painting and then with writing? How can the world need the stories of someone so uneducated in the writer’s world? Encouragement for writing was always there for me so I did not hesitate to write when something triggered my interest. I've collected all the bibs and bobs of my writing and put them in book form. A lot about my feelings and stories of people who have turned up in my life, and throughout the years I have been making up and telling my brothers original stories when we were young, writing essays at school, reciting poetry, I have been in plays, writing letters back home and writing in diaries. I have been honing this discipline all the time without knowing it. And I must say, throughout my life everything I have done was honest.
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An A-Z of Rock and Roll - eBook
"An A-Z of Rock and Roll | New and Updated Edition" takes you back to those magical times when rock began. Learn who were really the major influences behind current rock legends Eric Clapton, Bob Dylan, The Stones, Led Zeppelin, Bruce Springsteen and many others. The true stories behind many of the early music gods are here together with the good, the bad and the ugly truths behind rock and roll, the music they said would never last. "An A-Z of Rock and Roll | New and Updated Edition" is informative, factual and inevitably entertaining and is now available as an e-book for your favorite E-Reader.
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Dutch Sara Maria Bergman-Smit werd in 1940 geboren in Den Haag. In deze autobiografie beschrijft zij haar leven in Nederland en emigratie land Canada door middel van verhalen, gedichten en brieven.
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Cabin Critters
In this book, Marilyn Walsh tells the stories of the critters around her cabin at Tyner Lake in British Columbia. The loon, chipmunk and squirrel all make an appearance. This full color book has been beautifully illustrated by Maxime Bergman.
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A Woman's World
Doris Paterson lives and works in Mission, British Columbia, Canada. She has been a productive artist working in many media for most of her life. Now 89 and the mother of 10 children, 22 grand children and two great grand children, she is a published author and poet as well as a widely exhibited artist, and her works are held in collections thoughout Canada and the United States.
This book holds her poems.
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Willy & Me
Can two people in their mid-sixties—totally different in background, lifestyle, and outlook—meet and fall in love? You bet, and the story of their romance is a heartwarmer. Willy & Me is a warm, funny, life affirming love story. And it’s true, recorded as it unfolded by the artist and writer Doris Paterson.
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Willy & Me - eBook
Can two people in their mid-sixties—totally different in background, lifestyle, and outlook—meet and fall in love? You bet, and the story of their romance is a heartwarmer. Willy & Me is a warm, funny, life affirming love story. And it’s true, recorded as it unfolded by the artist and writer Doris Paterson.
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Doris Paterson lives and works in Mission, British Columbia, Canada. She has been a productive artist working in many media for most of her life. Now 89 and the mother of 10 children, 22 grand children and two great grand children, she is a published author and poet as well as a widely exhibited artist, and her works are held in collections thoughout Canada and the United States.
This book holds her poems.
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Your Book Here
You've always wanted to publish a book, but you didn't think it was possible. With the help of mady graphic design, you can make it happen! So, dust off that old script and start publishing!
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